Dr. Chun Resource Library Presents: Making and Doing Empowerment: A Zine-Making Workshop
Wednesday November 25
3pm – 5:30pm
Zines can alter our sense of who we are and what is possible. Cheesy, self-help slogans and cliches don’t always work for those who are queer, diasporic, racialized, trans, dis/abled, working class, survivors of violence. This hands-on workshop is about re-imagining and creating our own inspirational zine, full of what inspires us and keeps us going when times get rough.
We will create content for the radical inspirational zine and learn the basics of layout and design.
Facilitated by author of zines: “Dykes and their Hair” and “Upskirt: Dirty (un)feminist secrets”, Teresa Chun-Wen Cheng
*This event is part of our events for 16 Days of Activism Against Gendered Violence
More about the Dr. Chun Resource Libary:
The Dr. Chun Resource Library (at The Centre for Women and Trans People at U of T) exists as a space for community members and University of Toronto students to access factual, critical and alternative materials and a space that facilitates resistance to oppression among and between diverse communities.
The library is committed to supporting marginal voices. In particular, those voices that have been traditionally left out of main stream political mobilizing are emphasized in our collection.
The library is committed to providing an anti-oppressive and harassment free space where community members and students can learn, organize and connect with one another.
The library is committed to being responsive and accountable to the community that supports it. It welcomes recommendations, volunteers and donations.
The library is supported by The Centre for Women and Trans People and the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG). The visions and interests of both organizations have been incoporated into the mission and collection policy of Dr. Chun Resource Library. These include a commitment to social, environmental, economic, human rights and anti-oppression issues.
Please visit the library website for more information: library.opirguoft.org
AND check our website for all Library and other event updates during the year: http://womenscentre.sa.utoronto.ca/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6275617423&ref=mf