Fall Open House + Bubble Tea!

***Want a personalized tour of the Centre?

***Want to learn more about the ongoing and upcoming programs at the Centre?

***Interested in volunteering? Facilitating or organizing a peer support group? Getting involved with The Spice or The Dr. Chun Resource Library?  Starting other projects & initiatives?

Come out and join us for The Centre’s Fall Open House!

This your opportunity to share, mingle, make new friends, eat, brainstorm ideas, and make art! Yummy refreshments will be served including vegan options! There will be bubble tea, snacks and colouring!

Kids are welcome!

WHEN: Thursday, September 22, 2016, 12-4PM

WHERE: Centre for Women and Trans People at U of T
563 Spadina Ave., Room 100.  Wheelchair Access via Bancroft Ave.


What is Body Positivity? Exploring Fatness, Self-Esteem and Fat-positivity for Indigenous, Black & People of Color

WHEN: March 27, Friday, 6-8:30PM
WHERE: Centre for Women and Trans People
563 Spadina Ave., room 100
Toronto, ON

What does it mean to “love your body” when we live in a world that can’t stop telling us we should hate it? Is body positivity even possible for people of color? What are some practical tools we can use to unlearn internalized body shame while recognizing that body positivity may not work for everyone? Come join the It Gets Fatter Project as we explore these questions in a safe(r), non-judgmental environment.

This workshop is open to all self-identified Indigenous, Black, and people of color, whether they identify as fat or not. To ensure accessibility for everyone, please be mindful of wearing scent-free/low-scent chemicals. The Centre is wheelchair accessible with an accessible washroom on the main floor. Please contact itgetsfatterproject@gmail.com for all other accessibility needs.

Jarring Your Anxieties: A Crafting Workshop

Crafty Crabs presents:

Jarring Your Anxieties: A Crafting Workshop

Date: Monday February 3, 2014
Time: 6-8PM

Volunteer at the Centre!

Want to Volunteer at The Centre for Women and Trans People?

We are currently accepting new volunteers. Come find out more about our volunteer program and sign up at one of our upcoming volunteer orientation meetings! Our volunteer program is open to both students and community members.

Want to volunteer but can’t make it to one of the orientation meetings? Contact us at 416-978-8201 or email coordinator.cwtp@utoronto.ca

Volunteer Training

Anti-oppression and anti-transphobia trainings are MANDATORY components of our volunteer program and we provide you with this training, along with other more specific volunteer training. There are new training dates scheduled at the moment, please check back for updates, or email coordinator.cwtp@utoronto.ca

Strawberry Ceremony in Honour of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and those who have died Violent Deaths by Colonialism

February 14, 2014

Strawberry Ceremony with Wanda Whitebird begins at 12:30 Police Headquarters 40 College Street at Bay, Toronto

Community Feast catered by NaMeRes at the 519 Church Street Community Centre; 519 Church Street following the rally.

*If you would like to join the CWTP contingent, we will meet at 563 Spadina Ave at 12NN and move together to 40 College Street

Please leave your agency and organizations signs and banners at home and make some in honour of women who have died instead.

Tokens will be available at the rally.

Three Indigenous women have died violent deaths in Toronto since last year’s ceremony. This has led No More Silence to create a community owned database to document and investigate such deaths in collaboration with Families of Sisters in Spirit and the Native Youth Sexual Health Network

We continue to raise our voices in denouncing the racism and complicity of state institutions and we support the demand for a national public inquiry led by Indigenous grass roots women and supported by a United Nations Investigation into Missing & Murdered Indigenous women in Canada

According to research conducted by the Native Women Association of Canada (NWAC) under the Sisters In Spirit Program, over 600 Indigenous women have been murdered or gone missing, most of them over the last 30 years.

Despite clear evidence that this is an ongoing issue, the federal government decided in the fall of 2010 to end funding to Sisters in Spirit. Instead monies in the amount of $10 million have been dedicated to a central RCMP missing person centre. The same institution – who, along with the Vancouver Police Department, failed to properly investigate Pickton in 1997 – was at the centre of a public inquiry in Vancouver. The sham inquiry into the failed Pickton investigation has since been completed with no consequences for any guilty parties and was boycotted by 20 of the 21 groups who were granted standing due to the denial of adequate funding for legal defense.

Pickton, who was convicted for six murders, has admitted to killing 49 women. A total of 18 murders occurred after he was arrested and released for the attempted murder of a sex worker in 1997. This is blood on police hands, yet RCMP officers testifying at the sham inquiry state “there are few things they would change about how they did their work.”

It should come as no surprise that the Committee to End Discrimination Against Women at the United Nations has visited the country to investigate Canada’s missing and murdered Indigenous women.

On February 14th we come together in solidarity with the women who started this vigil over 20 years ago in Vancouver’s DTES, and with the marches and rallies that will be taking place across this land. We stand in defense of our lives and to demonstrate against the complicity of the state in the ongoing genocide of Indigenous women and the impunity of state institutions and actors (police, RCMP, coroners’ offices, the courts, and an indifferent federal government) that prevents justice for all Indigenous peoples.

No More Silence began holding ceremony at police headquarters on February 14th 9 years ago. 2 years ago we formed the February 14th Organizing Committee in an effort to broaden community participation in the planning of the event – the committee is made up of The Native Youth Sexual Health Network Sistering and other feminist and Indigenous community organizations.

Endorsed by: Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women against Rape; Toronto Bolivia Solidarity;DAWN Ontario DisAbled Women’s Network Ontario, OCAP, Centre for Women’s Studies in Education at OISE, Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto Maggies TO Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, Anduhyaun, Ontario Aboriginal HIV Strategy, Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre

Printing by Opirg York and the Aboriginal Students’ Association at York

List of Feb 14th Memorial Marches in other communities:

Beyond the Binary Social: Genderqueer/Gender Non-Binary Folks

Beyond the Binary is a group for people who fit outside the gender binary of MTF/male to female, FTM/female to male, or cisgender; for people who may identify as as genderqueer, gender-variant or gender non-conforming.


Wednesday February 5,5-7PM

Check our Tumblr Page and Facebook Group for more info and updates.

Fats How We Roll: Fat People of Colour Peer Support Group

Are you fat? Thick? “Big-boned”? Do you self-identify as a person of colour? Are you sick and tired of people making all sorts of assumptions about your body? Are you interested in learning more about fat-positivity?

If so, come join the Fats How We Roll, a new monthly peer support group on

DATE: January 23, 2014, Thursday


Please note: This group is for all self-identified fat people of color, whether they are a student or not. We aim to create a space for fat POC to talk about their experiences in a safe, non-judgmental and supportive environment and build community together.

The Centre is an accessible space; wheelchair access is available via Bancroft Ave.

Queering Creation: Writing for Radical Acceptance


Queering Creation got off to a great start in November and now that the madness of December has passed, were back full force this January! We will be holding our next session on Tuesday, January 28th from 6pm-8pm.

This event will focus on radical acceptance as a writing theme; What is radical acceptance? Radical acceptance could write itself as an ode to identities; Which ones we chose to embrace passionately and which ones we reject with vehemence. It could tie into the notion of self-love, self-care and self-discovery. Radical acceptance can be seen as working through the tangles of oppression, learning how to do what’s best for oneself, not owing anyone an explanation. Ever. It could pull in family, friends and community members, twisting outside of self-observation and dipping into exterior perception, influence and acceptance.
Radical acceptance, most importantly, is self-defined. What is it to you?

Come write with us as we collectively broaden our awareness and let words spill freely from pens, keyboards and tongues. Come write radically, with rage, with intent, with cool queers. 🙂

Facebook invite


Climate Injustice and Disaster Imperialism: How do we fight back?


Lessons for the Philippines, Haiti and the United States

Join us for a discussion on climate injustice and the global politics of disaster – particularly how to rethink and renew our anti-imperialist/anti-capitalist politics in the context of the changing material reality of climate instability.

For more info: email cwtpATutorontoDOTca

Facebook invite

Trans Film Screening Series: The Alt-Education Edition

Trans Film Screening Series: The Alt-Education Edition

When:  Monday September 30, 2013
Doors at 6 PM, Event starts at 6:30 PM

Where:  William Doo Auditorium
45 Willcocks Street