Radical Reads! A Discussion on Labour, Class and Disability
This summer the Radical Reads reading series will begin with a discussion on labour, class and disability.
We hope with this Radical Reads to make more visible and accessible theories and materials on how class and labour in capitalism produces workers disablement.
The reading and video we are watching are:
1) Rachel Gorman’s article “Empire of Rights: The convergence of neoliberal governance, ‘states of exception,’ and the Disability Rights Movement”
2) Al Jeezera video on the shipyard dockworkers called “Storm in Subic Bay”
Snacks will be provided at the event!
The Dr. Chun Resource Library is a collaborative project between the Centre for Women and Trans People and OPIRG Toronto. We work to provide critical and radical resources aimed to resist oppression through radical reading circles, skills based workshops and many other events.