Potluck and Words of Resistance

Presented by Dr. Chun Resource Library and Aboriginal Women & Women of Colour Group

Tuesday December 1
4pm – 6pm: Vegan/Veggie Potluck
7pm: Words of Resistance Open Mic Poetry & Spoken Word
FREE & Everyone is welcome!

Come out and SPEAK OUT against oppression, with subjects right off our


Poetry can be focused around either of these topics or their intersections of oppression and resistance.

Show up with your poetry on either of the themes and read! We will kick off the evening with a vegetarian potluck from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. Bring food, or join us to nibble on what everyone else brings! At 7:00pm, we will proceed with the open mic.

This event is free and open to everyone!

*This event is part of our events for 16 Days of Activism Against Gendered Violence

A little bit about the hosts:

The Dr. Chun Resource Library exists as a space for community members and University of Toronto students to access factual, citical and alternative materials that facilitates resistance to oppression among and between diverse communities.

The library is committed to supporting marginal voices. In particular, those voices that have been traditionally left out of main stream political mobilizing are emphasized in our collection.

The library is supported by The Centre for Women and Trans People and the Ontario Public Interest Research Group Toronto (OPIRG-Toronto). The visions and interests of both organizations have been incoporated into the mission and collection policy of Dr. Chun Resource Library. These include a commitment to social, environmental, economic, human rights and anti-oppression issues.

Please visit the website library.opirguoft.org for more information and check out http://womenscentre.sa.utoronto.ca/ for all Library and other event updates during the year: http://womenscentre.sa.utoronto.ca/

Aboriginal Women & Women of Colour Group:

AWWOC hosts events and programs geared specifically for Aboriginal women and women of colour. The group encourages women to come socialize, watch movies, and agitate. The group meets every Tuesday from 4:00 to 6:00pm at the Centre for Women and Trans people and is always welcoming new members!