What is Body Positivity? Exploring Fatness, Self-Esteem and Fat-positivity for Indigenous, Black & People of Color

WHEN: March 27, Friday, 6-8:30PM
WHERE: Centre for Women and Trans People
563 Spadina Ave., room 100
Toronto, ON

What does it mean to “love your body” when we live in a world that can’t stop telling us we should hate it? Is body positivity even possible for people of color? What are some practical tools we can use to unlearn internalized body shame while recognizing that body positivity may not work for everyone? Come join the It Gets Fatter Project as we explore these questions in a safe(r), non-judgmental environment.

This workshop is open to all self-identified Indigenous, Black, and people of color, whether they identify as fat or not. To ensure accessibility for everyone, please be mindful of wearing scent-free/low-scent chemicals. The Centre is wheelchair accessible with an accessible washroom on the main floor. Please contact itgetsfatterproject@gmail.com for all other accessibility needs.